Electric Dragster World Speed Record

By Frank Williams
January 2, 2008

Fox Business – reports that a lithium-titanate-powered dragster has set a new electric vehicle speed record for the quarter mile. Dennis “Kilowatt” Berube drove the Current Eliminator V into history on Sunday. The Eliminator clocked-in with a 7.963-second quarter mile run, during which man and machine reached 160.65 mph. Berube actually broke the record twice. Earlier in the same day, he bested the current (no pun intended) EV quarter mile record. On his second run, he set the new new one.

added 3-8-2010


Whitman, AZ — December 15, 2007
8.10 seconds @ 153.6 mph

the EV-Eliminator-V today:

the Current Eliminator V, accelerated to a speed of 153.6 mph at the Speedworld Motorplex drag strip on Saturday, December 15, covering a quarter-mile in 8.10 seconds, setting a new electric dragster world speed record. Dennis Berube started his first day at the track with the Altairnano battery pack and with limited time, on a single day, ran times of 10.04, 8.84, 8.40, 8.23 and finally a 8.10 second run – Very significant improvement with three of these times breaking his old record of 8.801 seconds.

Tuscon, AZ — December 30, 2007   7.956 seconds @ 159.85 mph

Using Altairnano’s lithium-titanate battery packs, Berube’s electric dragster, named the Current Eliminator V, achieved the electric vehicle world speed record at the Southwestern International Raceway in Tucson, AZ on Sunday, December 30th. Requirements for setting the world record include two record-breaking times on the same day under the same conditions. With runs rapidly decreasing in time, Berube began with 9.0 seconds, followed by 8.4, then 8.009 seconds. On the fourth run of the day, Berube broke into the 7-second category reaching 159.65 mph in 7.956 seconds. Dennis then assured his spot in the record book with a consecutive run of 7.963 while reaching 160.65 mph for the quarter mile.

“Setting two world records in one month is an impressive feat,” said Dr. Alan Gotcher, President and CEO of Altair Nanotechnologies, “With his first record in the electric dragster category and now the record for all electric vehicles, Dennis and Altairnano are pushing the frontier of advanced battery technology in racing vehicles.”

A founding competitor of the National Electric Drag Racing Association (NEDRA), Dennis Berube has made the exceptional accomplishment of improving upon and maintaining notable records on numerous occasions over a 17-year span.


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