updated 07-22-2023
The Cancer Cure That Worked: 50+ Years of Suppression – by Barry Lynes
Dr. Roy Rife 1888 to 1972

the Universal Microscope
“A detailed account of Roy Rife’s inventions and discoveries is the subject of The Cancer Cure That Worked. This startling book documents events from 1913 to the time of Rife’s death in 1972. Rife was an optical engineer and technician of great skill. His first success was the building of the Universal Microscope in the late 1920s. With it he was able to view the living cancer virus — a feat our modern, high-powered electron microscopes still cannot do. His microscope used many quartz prisms and lenses, placed to compensate for losses of refraction due to air. This enabled him to view far tinier particles than had ever been seen before.”
“Using the Universal Microscope which he invented, he observed cancer viruses as they changed their size and form. He discovered that exposing a virus to certain frequencies of radio waves killed it quickly. Years of experimentation led to Rife’s invention of the Frequency Instrument, a device that produced the exact frequencies needed to destroy various viruses.”
In 1934 at the clinic in California, diseased people were exposed to the exact same frequencies that had been seen (through the microscope) to destroy the virus causing their illness. Treatments lasted only three minutes. The person would wait three days before another exposure giving the lymph system time to cleanse the dead virus from their bodies. Unlike the chemotherapy treatments currently in use, Rife’s therapy was 100 percent effective and engendered no adverse symptoms.
The above is excerpted from a book review written by Deki and Jon C. Fox.
100 years later, the American medical communities still deny its success:
“The FDA has not approved the Rife machine for any use. There is no proof that the device can treat cancer or other diseases.”
As stated, they have forcefully stopped attempts to test and to demonstrate its ability to cure cancer … and anything else:
“The American Medical Association condemned Rife’s experiments.”
in the UK: “There is no reliable evidence that the Rife machine works as a cure for cancer.” … “Most of these claims are personal accounts. They don’t have any scientific research to back them up.”
Just ignore, never mention, the fact that every test subject was cured.
Just belittle every testimony of success!
“Yet, 53 [100+] years after the arrival of Rife’s Frequency Instrument, hundreds of thousands of people still die each year of diseases that Royal Raymond Rife cured.”
Virus Destruction by Resonance
Journal of Modern Physics > Vol.11 No.12, December 2020
Viruses and other microbes can be inactivated in a selective way by subjecting them to an oscillating electric field of adequate frequency. Royal R. Rife discovered this method already about 100 years ago. He proved its efficiency by means of high resolution microscopes and in 1934, by controlled clinically tests. However, these results seemed to be unbelievable, since the underlying mechanism was not yet understood. Actually, we are faced with three problems: 1) the functioning of Rife’s supermicroscopes, 2) his observation that bacteria can undergo size reduction, and 3) the decisive resonance phenomenon. We explain the high magnification and resolving power of Rife’s microscopes and show that new discoveries confirm that the postulate of invariable forms of bacteria has to be abandoned. Then we prove that forced oscillations of virus spikes lead to a peculiar resonance, because of nonlinear effects. It causes total destruction of the virus by rupture of its coating. The same theory applies to bacteria and nanobacteria, because of their pili. The worldwide coronavirus pandemic, the constant threat of unpredictable mutations and the now available explanations should make it obvious that biophysical methods cannot be neglected anymore.
Rife suspected that cancer does also result from microbes, but that they are too small to be seen by means of standard optical microscopes.
Rife started in 1917 to construct himself a better microscope for visible light and finished it in 1922 [1]. It magnified up to 17,000 times, while the best standard optical microscopes could only reach 2000 – 2500 times. Moreover, the images were well-contrasted, with unprecedented high resolution. How this was achieved remained an unsolved puzzle. Rife constructed even more powerful optical microscopes. His second one was finished in 1929 and the third one in 1933. He called it a “universal microscope”, because of its great adaptability. It could even magnify up to 60,000 times.
These supermicroscopes allowed him to make extraordinary discoveries, but they contradicted the beliefs of medical authorities. Using only conventional microscopes, they were unable to observe what Rife saw by means of his supermicroscopes. Moreover, Rife discovered the cancer microbe, although it was generally assumed that cancer is not an infectious sickness. Science progresses, of course, by discovering previously unknown facts and by explaining them, but that may require correcting previous assumptions. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to modify deeply rooted ideas. One objective of this article is to illustrate this fact by analyzing Rife’s discoveries and achievements, to show the complementarity of experimental and theoretical methods.
It has been claimed [3], for instance, that it is impossible to reach the high resolution of Rife’s microscope, by repeating the standard theory. It is also incorrect to believe that Rife did suppress the interference effects [4]. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry of 2014 was actually awarded for the development of super-resolved microscopy [5]. This was achieved by using powerful lasers, while Rife succeeded with purely classical means. Nevertheless, his name has been wiped out from official medical and scientific literature.
for the rest of this journal article, see
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There is Rife Therapy Treatment in Ocala FL
“Rife therapy is a targeted, low-impact, and gentle treatment that is highly effective. …
Rife therapy uses bio-frequency to attack diseases. The skin is never broken and healthy cells are never compromised. Each disease has its own electromagnetic frequency. With Rife therapy, that frequency is located and then an impulse on the same level is generated to kill the disease. During treatment, patients place electrical pads on either their feet or hands. These pads, which produce electrical impulses, are attached to a Rife machine and emit low-energy waves. Patients connect for short spurts (often only a few minutes a day) several times a week. We will develop and oversee the treatment plan to determine the appropriate length and frequency of treatment.
Rife therapy offers targeted low-impact treatment. It zeroes in on the disease without damaging any surrounding tissue, and it is significantly less intense than the ultrasound used for fetal exams. This rare combination of gentleness and effectiveness makes it a powerful choice for patients.
see www.drorta.com/rife-therapy/
Are there any risks associated with Rife machines?
Rife machines and similar devices likely don’t pose any major health risks. This is because the energy waves they use have a very low frequency. The frequency is lower than that of waves emitted by cell phones. But, Cancer Research UK notes there have been accounts of shocks and skin rashes associated with Rife machines.
The biggest risk involved with Rife machines and other alternative treatments comes from delaying more effective medical treatments like chemotherapy.
– Cancer Research UK
Rife’s World of Electromedicine:
The Story, the Corruption and the Promise
Paperback – by Barry Lynes
In 1987, Barry Lynes wrote the classic book on Rife history called The Cancer Cure That Worked. Rife’s World of Electromedicine is the sequel, published in 2009. What is the difference between the two books? The Cancer Cure That Worked was primarily a biographical account of Royal Raymond Rife’s life and work, including detailed, dated records of the events which occurred, and in-depth accounts from the people involved. Rife’s World of Electromedicine, on the other hand, is a bird’s eye view, short summary of the same time period and events. Instead of a detailed biography, Rife’s World is an expository piece that includes brief, targeted chapters addressing each aspect of Rife’s era, utilizing piercing, specific, and direct quotes and excerpts from historical documents including magazine and newspaper articles, court transcripts, Rife’s own statements, and the eye-witness accounts of those who were present during Rife’s lifelong achievements. Additionally, the new book explains what 20+ years of additional research and document retrieval by a dedicated grass roots group have discovered and unearthed. Some of the previously missing, key factors in the suppressed and censored cure for cancer were lost or even locked away in physicians’ closets for decades in order to prevent censors from destroying overwhelming evidence. Now, this evidence is printed for the first time in Rife’s World.
a NEW personal story
How I Became Extremely Open-Minded
Nov. 6, 2021
By Ross Douthat; Opinion Columnist, New York Times
When you have a chronic illness [Lyme disease] and struggle to get better, you try to maintain a certain equilibrium by distinguishing yourself from all those other sick people, the ones who are trying truly crazy things while you are proceeding sensibly and moderately along the path to health.
These exotic treatments, from acupuncture to IV vitamin C to magnet therapy and more, weren’t the core of what helped me eventually gain ground and improve – strong and various doses of antibiotics played the central role. But they were the most educational part of my slow, still-continuing recovery, in the sense of what they revealed about the complexity and strangeness of the world. [“big pharma” can make a lot more *$$*money if they sell drugs that just “help” and “prolong” the illness but not actually cure it!]
The strangest of them all was the Rife machine.
When I read up on Rife machines online, these were the stories I immediately encountered — the purest quackery, unfiltered snake oil. But thousands of Lyme sufferers swore by the machines. …
This was the kind of testimony that finally persuaded me to try the machine myself. So did the fact that I had been sick for almost two years at this point, and your risk-reward calculus changes radically when it seems like you could be sick forever.
…when the thing actually arrived… [with] a lot of advice on the different kinds of frequencies generated by the machine… I set the machine up inside [on] the drop-leaf desk in our back bedroom, my office, the most private space that I could find.
…By this point in my treatment, there was a familiar feeling whenever I was symptomatic and took a strong dose of antibiotics — a temporary flare of pain and discomfort, a desire to move or rub the symptomatic areas of my body, a sweating or itching feeling, followed by a wave of exhaustion and then a mild relief. I didn’t get this kind of reaction with every alternative treatment I tried. But with the Rife machine I got it instantly: It was like having a high dose of antibiotics hit the body all at once.
Of course, this was obviously insane, so to the extent that I was able I conducted experiments, trying frequencies for random illnesses to see if they elicited the same effect (they did not), setting up blind experiments where I ran frequencies without knowing if they were for Lyme disease or not (I could always tell). …These experiments …were consistent enough that thereafter the machine became part of my treatment process – again, not as a substitute for antibiotics but as a complement, another thing to try when I felt terrible, first helping me take lower doses of the drugs and eventually speeding my slow recovery along.
When I set out to write about the entire chronic-illness experience, I hesitated… But there are two good reasons to share this sort of story. The first is that it’s true, it really happened, and any testimony about what it’s like to fight for your health for years would be dishonest if it left the weird stuff out.
The second is that this kind of experience… is extremely commonplace. And the interaction between the beliefs instilled by these experiences and the skepticism they generate (understandably) from people who haven’t had them, … is crucial to understanding cultural polarization in our time.
We need a worldview that recognizes that our establishment fails in all kinds of ways, that there’s a wider range of experiences than what fits within the current academic-bureaucratic lines … and yet at the same time still accepts the core achievements of modern science, treats populist information sources at least as skeptically as it treats establishment sources and refuses to drink the voter-fraud Kool-Aid that Sidney Powell and the MyPillow guy served to thirsty Trump supporters.
This is the balance that I’ve tried to strike, after my own extreme experiences – to move between the mainstream and the fringe without becoming a captive in either territory. I am more open-minded about the universe than I was seven years ago, and much more skeptical about anything that claims the mantle of consensus. But I am trying not to let that mix of open-mindedness and skepticism decay into a paranoid-outsider form of groupthink. I keep the Rife machine in my attic and I still run it occasionally; I also got vaccinated for Covid without too many qualms.
And when the next disaster or derailment comes along, in my own life or the life of our society, I hope that I will be ready to trust experts as far as it seems wise to trust them – while always being aware that there are more things under heaven than their philosophies encompass, and a lot of strange surprises lurking deep below the not-entirely-solid earth.
see full story at www.nytimes.com/2021/11/06/opinion/lyme-disease-medicine.html
Rife’s Early Achievements
Royal Raymond Rife left the United States after his medical education and trained for six years at the Carl Zeis Optical Company in Germany. The unique and complex microscope he created used different mediums for bending light than normal optics used prior to his ultimate invention, which he called the Universal Microscope. That achievement alone brought him fame in the inner circles of the scientific community.
However, the mother for this invention was his desire to see the smallest microorganisms alive for as long as desired, enabling him to notice when they disintegrated or changed form from a focused ultra sonic frequency. The Universal Microscope enabled Rife to painstakingly record the exact frequencies, or MOR (mortal oscillatory resonance) to destroy different pathogens, even viruses, that were commonly found in the blood and tissues from many of the diseases.

During Rife’s time, a virus was defined simply as a living microorganism too small to be seen with a microscope. Of course, his unique microscope changed that. With its astounding 31,000X magnifying power, which some say could be boosted to twice that power with special UV lighting, Rife was able to observe microorganisms morph into different forms, sometimes as many as 16, and disintegrate with the corresponding mortal oscillatory resonance (MOR) frequencies.
For his scientific genius, Rife was nominated for the Alternative Nobel Prize, Europe’s arrangement to award more risk taking ventures passed over by the Swedish Noble Prize. Rife’s genius was boundless, he excelled in microbiology, optics, and other mechanical and electronic applications.
Rife was also introduced to Dr. Milbank Johnson, who was the head of a regional medical board and affiliated with the University of Southern California (USC) medical department. Dr. Johnson admired and respected Rife’s ideas and ingenuity. As the head of a regional medical institution, he had political clout in the medical community throughout the nation. Dr. Johnson’s support of Rife’s work enabled Rife to continue his research unabated by medical authority throughout the 1930’s.
Dr. Johnson helped Rife network with a couple of eminent bacteriologists who were interested in pleomorphism research, Dr. Arthur Kendall of Northwestern University in Chicago and Dr. E. C. Rosenow of the Rochester, Minnesota Mayo Clinic. Those two participated with Rife by using his Universal Microscope to see what Roy Rife was seeing to confirm their theories.
After experimenting by infecting lab animals and curing them, Rife was confident that his research could now extend to real life human cancer victims. Dr. Johnson set up clinical trials out of USC’s medical school. The clinical trail results were monitored by a team of physicians headed by pathologist Alvin Ford, MD.

In the summer of 1934, 16 terminally ill people with cancer and other diseases were brought to the Scripps ‘ranch’. There, as Rife and the doctors worked on human beings for the first time, they learned much. In 1953 when Rife copyrighted his book, he made the real report of what happened in 1934. He wrote:
“With the frequency instrument treatment, no tissue is destroyed, no pain is felt, no noise is audible, and no sensation is noticed. A tube lights up and 3 minutes later the treatment is completed. The virus or bacteria is destroyed and the body then recovers itself naturally from the toxic effect of the virus or bacteria. Several diseases may be treated simultaneously.
“The first clinical work on cancer was completed under the supervision of Milbank Johnson, MD, which was set up under a Special Medial Research Committee of the University of Southern California. 16 cases were treated at the clinic for many types of malignancy. After 3 months, 14 of these so called hopeless cases were signed off as clinically cured by the start of five medical doctors and Dr Alvin G. Ford, MD, pathologist for the group. The treatments consisted of 3 minutes duration using the frequency instrument which was set on the mortal oscillatory rate for “BX” or cancer (at 3-day intervals). It was found that the elapsed time between treatments attains better results than the cases treated daily. This gives the lymphatic system an opportunity to absorb and cast off the toxic condition which is produced by the devitalized dead particles of the “BX” virus. No rise of body temperature was perceptible in any of these cases above normal during or after the frequency instrument treatment. No special diets were used in any of this clinical work, but we sincerely believe that a proper diet compiled for the individual would be of benefit” Date: December 1,1953.
Other members of the clinic were Whalen Morrison, Chief Surgeon of the Santa Fe Railway; George C. Dock, MD, internationally famous; George C Fischer, MD, Children’s Hospital in New York; Arthur I. Kendall; Dr Zite, MD, Professor of Pathology at Chicago University, Rufus B. Von Klein Schmidt, President of the University of Southern California.
Dr Couche and Dr Carl Meyer, PhD, head of the Department of Bacteriological Research at the Hooper Foundation in San Francisco, were also present Dr Kopps of the Metabolic Clinic in La Jolla signed all 14 reports and knew of all the tests from his personal observation. In 1956, Dr James Couche made the following declaration:
“I would like to make this historical record of the amazing scientific wonders regarding the efficacy of the frequencies of the Royal R. Rife Frequency Instrument…”
For his scientific genius, Rife was nominated for the Alternative Nobel Prize, Europe’s arrangement to award more risk taking ventures passed over by the Swedish Noble Prize. Rife’s genius was boundless, he excelled in microbiology, optics, and other mechanical and electronic applications.
Henry Timken, Jr., the wealthy owner of Timken Roller Bearing Company became Rife’s patron, enabling Roy Rife to maintain independent research without interruption. Out of gratitude for a Rife invention that had reduced his production costs, Timken established a laboratory on his estate in San Diego, CA for Rife to research as he desired with the best equipment available. It was a state of the art lab.
Rife was also introduced to Dr. Milbank Johnson, who was the head of a regional medical board and affiliated with the University of Southern California (USC) medical department. Dr. Johnson admired and respected Rife’s ideas and ingenuity. As the head of a regional medical institution, he had political clout in the medical community throughout the nation. Dr. Johnson’s support of Rife’s work enabled Rife to continue his research unabated by medical authority throughout the 1930’s.
Dr. Johnson helped Rife network with a couple of eminent bacteriologists who were interested in pleomorphism research, Dr. Arthur Kendall of Northwestern University in Chicago and Dr. E. C. Rosenow of the Rochester, Minnesota Mayo Clinic. Those two participated with Rife by using his Universal Microscope to see what Roy Rife was seeing to confirm their theories.
After experimenting by infecting lab animals and curing them, Rife was confident that his research could now extend to real life human cancer victims. Dr. Johnson set up clinical trials out of USC’s medical school. The clinical trail results were monitored by a team of physicians headed by pathologist Alvin Ford, MD.
Rife was presented with 16 terminal cancer victims afflicted by a variety of malignancies. The USC team of physicians declared 14 of those 16 were clinically cured within 70 days. The other 2 took 20 days longer. The treatments included short breaks with nutrients to promote lymphatic elimination of the destroyed microbes.
In 1940, Dr. Arthur W. Yale announced that Rife had discovered a technique for curing cancer so unique and amazing that medicine was on the verge of completely eliminating the second highest cause of disease death in America. Unfortunately, Dr. Yale did not have the last word.
The Beginning of Betrayal and Suppression
. . .
For every Rifean there were many others whose careers were threatened by anything outside of their cash flow boxes. Dr. Thomas Rivers was among the first to attack, and he was right out of the Rockefeller Institute. He was joined by Dr. Hans Zinsser, a Harvard Medical School microbiologist. They declared Rife’s theories and techniques as worthless. Naturally, many others in the habit of obedience to authority joined in.
But this was just the beginning of Rife’s descent into doom. Around 1936, Rife realized he needed to form an independent company producing more manageable machines than the monstrosity in his lab. Rife contracted an individual who understood his invention, and who demonstrated the ability to package Rife’s devices more compactly while maintaining their efficiency. That man was Philip Hoyland, an electronic/electrical engineer.
Rife, Hoyland, and two other associates formed the Beam Ray Corporation with the idea of making and distributing the machines to clinicians and physicians. Soon, along came the doctor who had never practiced medicine, Morris Fishbein, the notorious alternative cancer cure hit man and head of the AMA. Just as he has done with others who had come up with cancer cures outside the cut, burn, and poison mode, Fishbein made a move to possess and control Rife’s technology at first.
He bribed Hoyland with $10,000 to file a suit against Rife in order to obtain the company and include a Fishbein agent on the board of directors while excluding Rife. Ten grand was quite a lot in those days. Rife counter sued and won in 1939. The litigation and betrayal took an emotional and financial toll on the normally reclusive scientist, and he began drinking.
Then the big bad Fishbein decided if he couldn’t have the Rife operation, he’d destroy it. This was Morris Fishbein’s MO with others who had come up with alternative cancer cures, but would not allow him to virtually steal them away and possibly hide them. He used his Machiavellian clout to ban doctors from using Rife technology and even confiscated equipment.
A small circle of doctors in California continued despite the national pressure, thanks to the protection of a politically powerful medical person, the same Dr. Milbank Johnson who was always in Rife’s corner. However, Dr. Johnson passed away in 1944, and the AMA had its way as medical mafia terrorists!
Suspiciously, upon Dr. Johnson’s death, many of the documents from the USC clinical trails he had held completely disappeared. Not long after, investigators suspected that he was poisoned just prior to announcing Rife’s successes publicly.
Equipment was confiscated, laboratories were destroyed, one doctor was harassed to the point of quitting the profession, and another was reported as having committed suicide! The wife of another doctor had a nervous breakdown, forcing her to receive shock therapy during her two months in a mental hospital. Medical mafia is an appropriate term after all!
Rife MOR Therapy on Life Support
Again, Roy Rife made another attempt at manufacturing and distributing his Rife Ray Beam devices with the technology for using them correctly. He partnered with an engineer named John Crane, who had encouraged Rife to continue. They made a bit of a stir with even better designs that were easier to use around 1960.
But even without Fishbein, who was forced to retire in 1954 because of the AMA scandals discovered by the 1953 Fitzgerald congressional committee, the FDA took over harassment activities and seized Rife and Crane’s latest equipment.
All this plus the death of his beloved wife of over 30 years left Rife a broken man. In 1961, at the age of 73, Roy Rife fled the country to nearby Mexico. Rife had added Valium to his drinking habit, yet he managed to live until 1971, when he died in Mexico at the age of 83. John Crane later explained that Rife was a great researcher, but was not cut out to be a fighter. However, John Crane was a knowledgeable and outspoken fighter.
After Rife’s exodus to Mexico, John Crane still attempted to bring Rife’s technology to public awareness while railing against the medical establishment’s suppression of his constitutional rights. He was criminally indicted and tried on charges involving practicing medicine without a license. The trail jury was screened to eliminate all those with any medical knowledge, especially alternative healing, while retaining an AMA doctor as the jury foreman!
Rife submitted a deposition from Mexico to support Crane’s defense, but it was not even admitted. Talk about getting railroaded! Crane was convicted and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. Two of the three counts against Crane were overturned later, and he was released from prison after serving 3 years and 1 month.
Yet even after his release from prison, Crane continued his work underground and compiled and produced a 1000 page manual on the Rife machine’s design and use, which has survived after his death in 1995. Thanks to John Crane’s persistent work, Rife’s ray beam technology managed to stay alive, but only on life support.
Rife was hauled into court, prevented from leaving for England where leading scientists were prepared to establish an independent testing facility to substantiate the great discovery, and distribute his unique instruments worldwide.
also see www.whale.to/v/rife.html
The first incident was the gradual theft of components, photographs, film, and written records from Rife’s lab. The culprit was never caught.
Then, while Rife struggled to reproduce his missing data (in a day when photocopies and computers were not available), someone vandalized his precious virus microscopes. Pieces of the 5,682 piece Universal microscope were stolen. Earlier, an arson fire had destroyed the multi-million dollar Burnett Lab in New Jersey, just as the scientists there were preparing to announce confirmation of Rife’s work. But the final blow came later, when police illegally confiscated the remainder of Rife’s 50 years of research.
Then, in 1939, agents of a family which controlled the drug industry assisted Philip Hoyland in a frivolous lawsuit against his own partners in the Beam Ray Corporation. This was the only company manufacturing Rife’s frequency instruments (Rife was not a partner). Hoyland lost, but his assisted legal assault had the desired effect: the company was bankrupted by legal expenses. And during the Great Depression, this meant that commercial production of Rife’s frequency instruments ceased completely.
And remember what a universal cure would mean to hospitals and research foundations. Doctors who tried to defend Rife lost their foundations grants and hospital privileges.
And big money was spent ensuring that doctors who had seen Rife’s therapy would forget what they saw. Almost no price was too much to suppress it. Remember that, today, treatment of a single cancer patient averages over $300,000. It’s BIG business.
Thus, Arthur Kendall, the Director of the Northwestern School of Medicine who worked with Rife on the cancer virus, accepted almost a quarter of a million dollars to suddenly ‘”retire” to Mexico. That was an exorbitant amount of money in the Depression. Dr. George Dock, another prominent figure who collaborated with Rife, was silenced with an enormous grant, along with the highest honours the AMA could bestow. Between the carrots and the sticks, everyone except Dr. Couche and Dr. Milbank Johnson gave up Rife’s work and went back to prescribing drugs.
To finish the job, the medical journals, supported almost entirely by drug company revenues and controlled by the AMA, refused to publish any paper by anyone on Rife’s therapy. So an entire generation of medical students graduated into practice without ever hearing of Rife’s breakthroughs in medicine.
The magnitude of such an insane crime eclipses every mass murder in history. By 1960 the casualties from this tiny virus exceeded the carnage of all the wars America ever fought. In 1989, it was estimated that 40% of us will experience cancer at some time in our lives.
In Rife’s lifetime, he had witnessed the epidemic of cancer increase from 1 in 24 Americans in 1905 to one in three in 1971 when Rife died. Today, 1,200 American citizens die every day from cancer – almost one every minute. Fishbein’s monstrous avarice is still killing people with cancer today, with the blessing of the AMA, the FDA, the so-called cancer research charities, and, most of all, Big Pharma.
But remember, Rife’s technology cured ALL disease. Can you even begin to estimate the number of people throughout the world who have died painfully and needlessly from 1934 to date as a result of this gangster’s crime against humanity?
During his life, Dr. Rife also witnessed the phenomenal growth of the American Cancer Society, the Salk Foundation, and many other “research charities” collecting billions of dollars for diseases that had been cured long ago in his own San Diego laboratories.
“The American Cancer Society is one of the most powerful and corrupt organizations in American society. It operates as a behind-the-scenes force, influencing powerful politicians, imposing its views and prejudices on governmental research, instigating government suppression and harassment of independent researchers, making newspaper editors cower, and all the while asking the public for money through its public relations image as the leading cancer fighter. Its key people must bear heavy responsibility for the millions of American lives lost while potential alternative therapies for cancer were “ground under” the ACS’s heavy boot” – Barry Lynes (The Healing of Cancer, page 39).
Pasteur’s idea that germs caused disease was ridiculed for years. Penicillin was actually discovered in the mid 1800’s by a medical student, but because he was only a medical student it was written off as a curiosity. Even after its formal discovery, Penicillin sat shelved for years before being tested. Dr Semmelweis committed suicide in a mental institute after years of trying to get physicians to wash their hands after performing autopsies (instead they ran down the hall to deliver a baby and kill the mother). And what about this guy by the name of Lawrence Burton? He wasn’t a physician, but rather a scientist. In 1966, under the aegis of the American Cancer Society, he arranged for an audience of 70 scientists and some 200 science writers and performed for them a demonstration using mice with visible tumors. He injected each with a solution and in just 45 minutes the tumors had shrunk 50%. An hour and a half later, the tumors had practically disappeared. Newspapers around the world ran the story of Dr Burton and his cancer cure on their front pages. Eight years later he opened a cancer clinic in New York where, for some cancers, he realized a better than 50% cure rate; higher than any other physician or clinic in America. Two years later, due to pressure from the FDA, he was forced to close his clinic and move his entire operation to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas where today he still has better rates of success with certain cancers, better than any other clinic in America. For the address and phone number,
go here: //www.mnwelldir.org/docs/cancer1/altcan.htm
Of all of these stories about the frustrated efforts of alternative thinking wending its way into mainstream medicine, the most interesting (and most terrifying) is that of Dr Royal Rife. You see, Dr Rife had discovered a very inexpensive means of curing not only cancer, but some of the most dreaded diseases in society today such as the Ebola virus and AIDS. His research was destroyed, his associates harassed and some even killed, and after years of hounding he died of an overdose administered to him in Grossmont Hospital, in San Diego, California.
Rife was probably one of the most brilliant (not to mention persistent) scientists ever to have walked upon this planet. He won 14 awards from the government for his research and was given an honorary medical degree from the University of Heidleberg.
When the technology didn’t exist, Rife invented it. Financed by millionaires like Henry Timken, Rife invented the Universal Microscope with 5,682 parts. It was a miraculous machine that could see things smaller than waves of light (which was then and is still today thought to be impossible). Rife was the first to see a live virus. Today’s electron microscopes see viruses, but they destroy them in the process through the bombardment of electrons.
While examining bacteria and viruses, Rife noticed that each one gave off a distinct light (or color) pattern. (In the late sixties it was discovered that every living cell actually gives off light and the healthier the cell the healthier the light; conversely the sicker the cell the weaker the light. But this research by Rife was done in the twenties using technology Rife himself invented.) So Rife began to experiment with instruments he invented that oscillated at the frequencies he’d determined from the organisms (bacteria and viruses) and he discovered that by playing back their own pattern of oscillation, slightly modified, he could destroy them without affecting the tissues around them. In other words, Rife could kill a particular virus or bacterium using light frequencies alone, frequencies that were absolutely harmless to the host animal, but deadly to the microbe.
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Today you would be hard pressed to find any reference to Rife in history books. Contact a newspaper for a specific date or story and they will probably tell you that that one is missing from their archives. It is as if Rife and his work have been utterly expunged from the annals of history. His microscope did not exist. His instruments did not exist. His research did not exist. The man himself did not exist.
The AMA, represented by the man who ran medicine for nearly 50 years, Morris Fishbein, wanted a cut. Drug companies pressed for more proof before allowing his instruments to be used. It seems that when a medical device wants FDA approval, each and every use must be evaluated (at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars). Now, keep in mind that Rife had built his microscope and instruments and had worked for decades studying and destroying microbes all before 1930. From 1934 to 1939 doctors all over America used the Rife machines to cure disease, and all over America doctors were being pressured to stop this practice. Offices were broken into and their machines were confiscated. With the backing of the AMA an engineer working with Rife, filed suit against Rife, and this was the beginning of the end. The unending court battles wore Rife down, and the more depressed he got, the heavier he drank and then came the unexpected, the terrifying conclusion: his microscope was stolen and soon afterwards his laboratory went up in flames and his records and research burnt entirely. The Burnett Lab in New Jersey where Rife’s work was being independently validated burned to the ground. Dr Milbank Johnson, a supporter of Rife’s and one of the people who had worked to validate Rife’s research was poisoned. Dr Nemes who was duplicating Rife’s work just 40 miles from Rife’s own lab was killed in a mysterious fire that consumed his lab and research papers. Rife’s closest associate was given a grant for $200,000 (nearly $3.5 million in 2013 dollars) and quickly vanished. People who had worked with Rife suddenly denied knowing him. Rife sunk further and further into depression and alcoholism. By 1940, Rife’s work had been wiped out entirely. Every time he tried to pull himself back on track to reduplicate his research, he was hounded and harassed and finally his life ended in a hospital by an overdose that was not self-administered.
No one has yet been able to rebuild Rife’s microscope. Many of Rife’s associates have come forward in the past two decades, and some have reengineered Rife’s equipment for creating these light waves. The frequencies at which certain bacteria and viruses are killed are once again being compiled. However, without a powerful enough microscope (and Rife’s perspicacity) and all the while battling the powers that be (thriving drug companies backed by the power of the FDA) it could take years to reduplicate Rife’s work.
see www.RifeVideos.com/ “Your Rife Machine History Educational Website.”
Dr. James B. Couche, M.D., who used used the Beam Ray Clinical instrument to treat over 22,000 patients over more than a 20 year period from about 1934 to about 1958
also read www.globalwellnesspro.com/Royal_Raymond_Rife.html
Forbidden Cures
Introduction & Overview
There are a number of alternative healing therapies that work so well and cost so little (compared to conventional treatment), that Organized Medicine, the Food & Drug Administration, and their overlords in the Pharmaceutical Industry (The Big Three) would rather the public not know about them. The reason is obvious: Alternative, non-toxic therapies represent a potential loss of billions of dollars to allopathic (drug) medicine and drug companies.
The Big Three have collectively engaged in a medical conspiracy for the better part of 70 years to influence legislative bodies on both the state and federal level to create regulations that promote the use of drug medicine while simultaneously creating restrictive, controlling mechanisms (licencing, government approval, etc) designed to limit and stifle the availability of non-drug, alternative modalities. The conspiracy to limit and eliminate competition from non-drug therapies began with the Flexner Report of 1910.
Abraham Flexner was engaged by John D. Rockefeller to run around the country and ‘evaluate’ the effectiveness of therapies taught in medical schools and other institutions of the healing arts. Rockefeller wanted to dominate control over petrolem, petrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals (which are derived from ‘coal tars’ or crude oil). He arranged for his company, Standard Oil of New Jersey to obtain a controlling interest in a huge German drug cartel called I. G. Farben. He pulled in his stronger competitors like Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan as partners, while making other, less powerful players, stockholders in Standard Oil. Those who would not come into the fold “were crushed” according to a Rockefeller biographer (W. Hoffman, David: Report on a Rockefeller {New York:Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1971}page 24.)
The report Flexner submitted to The Carnegie Foundation was titled “Medical Education in the United States and Canada”. Page 22 of the report said: “the privileges of the medical school can no longer be open to casual strollers from the highway. It is necessary to install a doorkeeper who will, by critical scrutiny, ascertain the fitness of the applicant, a necessity suggested, in the first place, but consideration for the candidate, whose time and talents will serve him better in some other vocation, if he be unfit for this, and in the second, by consideration for a public entitled to protection from those whom the very boldness of modern medical strategy equips with instruments that, tremendously effective for good when rightly used, are all the more terrible for harm if ignorantly or incompetently employed”.
All too often, politicians are prepared to enact laws that rob citizens of yet another constitutional freedom under the banner of “public protection”. Needless to say, congress swallowed the recommendations of this report hook, line, and sinker. It was decided that the American Medical Association (AMA), would be the “doorkeeper”. The AMA was now empowered to certify or de-certify any medical school in the country on the grounds of whether that school met the AMA’s standards of “approved” medicine.
The AMA came into existence in 1847. It is a private organization of allopathic physicians which serves the interests of its members, especially when it comes to influencing favorable legislation. It functions in every sense of the word as a union, although its members wear white collars instead of blue. Giving the AMA the power over the certification of medical schools is the equivalent of giving the Teamsters Union the exclusive right to decide on the laws of interstate commerce and transportation. Is it any wonder that the total number of medical schools in the United States went from 160 in 1906 (before the Flexner Report) to 85 in 1920 and further down to 69 schools in 1944? A little like putting the fox in charge of the hen house, no?
Not surprisingly, Flexner ‘found’ that any discipline that didn’t use drugs to help cure the patient was tantamount to quackery and charlatanism. Medical schools that offered courses in bioelectric Medicine, Homeopathy or Eastern Medicine, for example, were told to either drop these courses from their curriculum or lose their accreditation and underwriting support. A few schools resisted for a time, but eventually most schools cooperated (or were closed down). A similar scenario was played out in Canada. It was attempted in England against Homeopathy, but it failed due to the personal intervention of the Royal Family who had received much relief and healing at the hands of Homeopathic healers in the 19th century. By the way, the AMA was found guilty of conspiracy against chiropractors in 1987 by a federal judge and fined a couple of million dollars. Here in America, a relentless campaign of misinformation, fraud, deception, and suppression of alternative therapies and healers has been in place for the better part of this century in order to keep highly effective alternative therapies from reaching any significant plateau of public awareness. Control is exerted through “news items” and propaganda from pro-establishment organizations like The American Medical Association, The American Cancer Society, The Diabetes Foundation, etc.; local medical boards; and government agencies like the FDA, The National Institute of Health (NIH), and The National Cancer Institute (NCI), The National Academy of Science, etc. with the full cooperation of main-stream media of course .
Over the past decades, hundreds of caring, concerned, and conscientious alternative healers have been jailed and abused like common criminals for the “crime” of curing people of life-threatening diseases in an “unapproved” manner by heavy-handed government agents who swoop down on clinics with drawn guns, flax jackets, and Gestapo manners. All the while, these same agents and agencies posture themselves before TV cameras and the public under the ludicrous pretense of being servants of the people and protectors of the common good.
The medico-drug cartel was summed up by J.W Hodge, M.D., of Niagara Falls, N.Y., in these words: ‘The medical monopoly or medical trust, euphemistically called the American Medical Association, is not merely the meanest monopoly ever organized, but the most arrogant, dangerous and despotic organization which ever managed a free people in this or any other age. Any and all methods of healing the sick by means of safe, simple and natural remedies are sure to be assailed and denounced by the arrogant leaders of the AMA doctors’ trust as fakes, frauds and humbugs Every practioner of the healing art who does not ally himself with the medical trust is denounced as a ‘dangerous quack’ and impostor by the predatory trust doctors. Every sanitarian who attempts to restore the sick to a state of health by natural means without resort to the knife or poisonous drugs, disease imparting serums, deadly toxins or vaccines, is at once pounced upon by these medical tyrants and fanatics, bitterly denounced, vilified and persecuted to the fullest extent.’
I. G. Farben was the largest chemical concern in Germany during the 1930s, when it engaged in an active cartel agreement with Standard Oil of New Jersey.
The world’s No. 1 drug firm, Merck, $4.2 billion in sales in 1987, began in Darmstadt, Germany, in 1668. Its president, John J. Horan, is a partner of J. P. Morgan Company, and the Morgan Guaranty Trust.
Each of the major drug firms in the United States has at least one director with close Rockefeller connections, or with a Rothschild bank. A director of Merck is John K. McKinley, chief operating officer of Texaco; he is also a director of Manufacturers Hanover Bank, which Congressional records identify as a major Rothschild bank. Another director of Merck is John K. McKinley, chief operating officer of Texaco; he is also a director of Manufacturers Hanover Bank, which Congressional records identify as a major Rothschild bank.
a footnote on a claimed cure today:
kill cancer with a combination of garlic, vitamins, and a few other natural ingredients